Since the Pandemic, the HEAR Deaf Ministry has lost most of its interpreters and ministry members but we still have our deaf and hard of hearing members who have a need for us to interpret services. The Ministry is looking to expand and grow to be able to continue providing interpretation of services and help the church's efforts to ensure access to all people including the deaf and hard of hearing.
The Hands Expressing Anointed Rhema (HEAR) Deaf Ministry is looking for motivated volunteers who are interested in supporting the deaf and hard of hearing community by:

Interpreting American Sign Language

Learning about Deaf culture and ASL

Fellowshipping with and advocating for the deaf and hard of hearing brothers and sisters in Christ!
Romans 10:14 says, “But before people can pray to the Lord for help, they must believe in him. And before they can believe in the Lord, they must hear about him. And for anyone to hear about the Lord, someone must tell them.”
Please contact: slm@allencathedral.org if you’re interested in helping to share the good news with those who communicate differently! If you are attending in person service, there will be representatives from the HEAR Deaf Ministry in the Narthex after service.