The Men's Ministry of GACNY
Mission Statement
The mission of the Men's Ministry is to develop men of integrity and excellence, who love God and live in obedience to His Word. We are committed to the restoration of the whole man. Through sound biblical teaching and meaningful fellowship, we believe that men will become true disciples of Christ, faithful to their families, outstanding in stewardship and leaders who glorify God!

Men's Virtual Bible Study
Under the leadership of our Senior Pastor, The Rev. Dr. Elaine M. Flake and our Minister to Men, Rev. Tiate Carson, the Men's Ministry of The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York empowers the lives of men through life-changing weekly bible study.
All men are welcome to join us on Thursdays at 7:00pm-7:50pm via Zoom.
Dial-in: (929) 436-2866 Meeting ID: 910 234 293
You are sure to be encouraged in your spiritual journey and strengthened in your relationship with God.